Monday, June 30, 2014

Chalkin' up

Happy Monday, SAPL patrons!

Today I finally got the chalkboard put up in the Juvenile/Teen section! I am excited to see it in all it's almost-perfect glory.

Now all I need are some teens to come and write down their book suggestions and reviews!

Other news for this muggy Monday:

I order the 4th set of Teen books for our Another Back 2 Book grant. They should be on the shelves at least by next week.

Speaking of which, I recently posted about my latest read, Pittacus Lore's Lorien Series, on the Steeleville Book Club facebook page. Anyone interested in talking about or giving a review, please check out the page and post!

It's hot outside which means it's a perfect day to sit inside our air-conditioned library and read books! We have new books coming to the shelves later this week, so stop by to see what I've selected in adult fiction and non-fiction.

That's all for today.

Yours in chalk,

Current Read: Attachment Parenting Book by Williams Sears, M.D. and Martha Sears, R.N.
 I know...what the heck is with all the parenting books? Well, for starters I have a non-napping 5 month old and also, people are so gung-ho about their parenting styles, I feel like I should probably know what they are up in arms over. Seriously, has anyone else read sleep training article comments? It's a serious battle.

Current Mood: I need chocolate.

Current Location: Headed to pick up the little ones!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Week's End

Okay, so technically tomorrow is the last day of the week, but for this library dictator, today is my last day of this week ...I have so many books I want to read that I'm giddy with anticipation!

I'm pleased to announce that our Summer Reading Program has jumped up to 14 participants which is 6 more than last year! I can't wait to see the final tally and gather all of our party supplies up.

They've been really reading it up this summer! Anna and I have a few paws to add as well. : )

I hope everyone has some great reads picked our for this weekend. Remember the library closes tonight at  5 p.m. and is only open from 9-12 p.m. tomorrow. With that said, I am going to count the minutes until I can start my own reading weekend adventure. 

Yours in happy reading, 


Current Read: The Rise of Nine  by Pittacus Lore

Current Mood: Excited about reading the rest of my book!

Current Location: Not at my desk...maybe hiding underneath it with a book though.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

TBT: Story Hours Past

Does anyone remember the library's awesome story hours? I do. They were pretty sweet times with lots of stories, glue and glitter...but my kids don't get to go to story hours because we don't have enough participation to warrant hosting one here at the library.

I'm determined to start them up again. I want my children to enjoy stories, glittery crafts and a spending time with others.

 My determination can only get me so far. I need your help. That's right...I need you, dear SAPL patron, to ask for story hours. I need you to being willing to drop your kids off for an hour or two at the library and be willing to pick them up again. I need more than my two kids to get story hour back. Please, stop by the library, put in a verbal request or leave a comment on the library's Facebook page, this blog, or e-mail us.

The power is yours!

National Library Week Story Hour 4/8/2000
Fun fact: my sister is in this photo...can anyone spot her?

Yours in TBTs and story hours, 


Current Read: The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore

Current Mood: Eager to finish this book and read the next in the series.

Current Location: On the hunt for coffee. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

More Books

Good Wednesday to you SAPL Folk! Your benevolent dictator has spent the better part of the morning and this afternoon selecting your teen books and ordering new adult fiction. I have also selected some DVDs to pre-order (nothing comes out until the fall though).

I would have loved your input, but all is silent on your end so I did what any librarian dictator does...I read Amazon reviews and went with my gut instinct. I hope you approve of my teen selection for our 4th order of Another Back 2 Book Grant reads!

I already have ideas for order #5! Let me know if there are any particular books you want to see on our shelves.

Book Page came in today for all interested patrons. Stop by and pick up a free copy of the July issue. I myself have been perusing the pages in search of great reads. 

Other than the intense book searches I did, today has been the right sort of busy. Our Summer Reading participants continue to come in and place paw prints on our walls by reading amazing books! We are still accepting participants so if you are interested just stop by to sign up.

That's all for today.

Yours in book purchases,


Current Read: I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore 

Current Mood: In the buying mode

Current Location: Library World/ Baker & Taylor

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesdays with Books

I feel terrible. Yesterday, I ran out of time to write in the blog. I left work, worrying about whether you would have any idea about what is going on in the library.

If only I hadn't done a small inventory check in the Children's section! I went through all 2,343 books to make sure none were "missing". I have found one unaccounted for and we are searching for it!

I also shouldn't have worked on our Summer Reading Program which has climbed from 6 participants to 12 in the past week. I keep thinking about the party and getting excited. It also doesn't help to have my dear Miss Anna participanting this year! We are reading a lot of books at home now. We finished Miss Nelson is Back by Harry Allard last night and tonight it's between Edward and the Pirates by David McPhail or the always popular Splat the Cat Takes the Cake by Rob Scotton.

 Clara has several books to read (or try to eat) as well. Our dear local author, MJ Hinnerichs, gifted Clara a copy of her fabulous, NIBBLES NIGHTTIME ADVENTURE and I picked up some more sturdy board books for babies: Hush Little Baby by Sylvia Long and Time for Bed by Mem Fox.

It's hard to get things done when you're planning your next read or in this case your childrens!

Speaking of next reads, I am currently selecting yours. My June Adult fiction selection is full of romance, mysteries and thrillers:

If anyone has any book purchase suggestions please let me know! I am always open to new reading ideas.

So you see dear patrons, I haven't been neglectful on purpose...I just have had a busy day. 

Yours in books, 

Current Read: Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman
Current Mood: Excited about book purchases

Current Location: Browsing Amazon and Baker & Taylor

Friday, June 20, 2014

Mini Directors and Mayhem

Sorry about yesterday's blog post. You know, the one I didn't write.

We had a budget meeting last night and Clarabeth had to be present, so I didn't have time to type. Lucky for the library, Clarabeth has approved the proposed budget for this coming fiscal year and we are making plans for all the books we want to buy!

The Summer Reading Program has offically started yesterday. We've had two kids come in to start filling their reading logs and posting their paws on the wall! I also put out the guessing game today.

Pretty simple game: guess the number of puppy treats and if correct you win a prize!

It's not too late to sign up for the program. Just stop in and ask us for a reading log to join in the fun!

GED and ESL classes are now finished until the fall. I will let you know when they start as soon as Lynn calls. 

In other librarian news, Jen Bievenue, recent Steeleville High Grad and awesome webdesign person, has set up a Facebook Book Club for us. It's pretty awesome and open to new members. Check it out and then join! We can discuss books, music, movies and more...

I will try to post on the book club wall this weekend or more likely, next Monday. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and gets some reading done. We are open tomorrow from 9-12 p.m. so if you haven't gotten your reads yet, stop in soon to pick them up.

That's all folks!

Yours in hot summer days,


Current Read: Madeline's Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans

Current Mood: Sleepy

Current Location: Zooming around the library, making up for lost time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Slump Day

Good afternoon, SAPL patrons! I noticed you aren't here, so I'm assuming that you're waiting at home for my latest blog post. : )

It's a hot and rather dull day. I have no news to report today. Tomorrow our Summer Reading Program starts as I mentioned in yesterdays blog and I am currently working on some inventory stuff. Another exciting fact is that I may have to bring baby to work again. Which means: no nap times, little work accomplished and a happy group of librarians.

 Clarabeth has every wrapped around her chubby baby fingers!

See, she's even got me fetching books and dvds for her!

Hopefully I will have more to report on tomorrow.

Yours in Midweek Excitement, 


Current Read: rereading Coffeehouse Angel don't judge me!

Current Mood: Slightly ready for Friday

Current Location: slumped over at my desk...not napping.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Paws to Read

That's right, folks! Our Summer Reading Program "Paws to Read" begins in two days! I can't wait to get started reading and have been planning our end-of-the-program party for weeks now. Here is the tentative agenda for the party:

Now, depending on the time we spend with the Humane Society, we may have more games. I have a few extra planned just in case.

Sign up by Thursday, June 19th and get started on your reading logs!

Yours in doggy games and reading, 


Current Read: Game ideas

Current Mood: Slightly tired

Current Location: Library World

Monday, June 16, 2014

Meetings and Naps

No, I am not taking a nap (though I want to) and yes, we have a board meeting tonight. Anyone interested in participating should stop by the library around 7 p.m. otherwise we will start without you.

 I hope everyone had a great Father's Day yesterday and enjoyed spending time with the Dads we love!

Today our mini director, a.k.a Clarabeth, stopped by to give us some guidance and to inform me about the baby union's decision to not nap. Naturally, she fell asleep five minutes later but was not "napping". As with every time mini director shows up our work productivity decreased by 85% but our "awwwwww...look at the cute baby" speeches increased a shocking 200%.

Naps are for grownups. #nonapsforbabies

This weekend, I did accomplish more than usual. I finally finished painting the chalkboard for the teen section with the help of an overly excited five-year-old who is also on nap strike. I am planning to have it in the teen area by the end of the month. I would like to put a border or trim around it to make it "fancy". I'm awaiting the approval of mini director and my husband's help.

I got to read a new book and now I'm convinced that book fairies really do exist. Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors fell into my grasp this past week when someone kindly gave us a rather large donation (more on donations in a moment). The book was about a teenage girl, Katrina, and how her kind act in helping a homeless man leads to mischief, mayhem and a cute angel. 

What are book fairies and how are they involved? 

Book fairies are the fairies that help direct you to the right book. If you're in a rut or unsure of what to read, a book fairy may come and knock a book of the shelf for you or in my cases plant one in a donation box. 

Well, I wasn't going to read this book, mostly because it didn't seem my type of thing, but then I love I picked it up and read the back. Katrina just happens to be the name my cat Olaf was going to be called before I discovered that she was a he (long story). So, next thing I know I'm awake at 10 p.m. (shockingly late for me) and reading this book. Scarily the main character goes through the same crisis I did at her age. It was all too concidental and too convenient. 

Book fairies. 

Laugh all you want SAPL patrons but the next time you come into the library and need help finding "the book" you need, you might want to start asking the book fairies for help...or us librarians. Really, what are librarians but giant book fairies?

Now about those donations, I would like to thank everyone who has dropped off book donations lately, but we cannot take anymore large donations for the time being. Are backroom is full from the last book sale and our work room is equally crowded. So, kindly keep your books or donated to a different library until we can work through the stash we've gotten! 

Yours in naps and book fairies,


Current Read: The Everything Baby Sign Language Book by Teresa Simpson

Current Mood: Excited

Current Location: Trying to type with Clarabeth.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

“Libraries were full of ideas–"

"---perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.” Sarah Maas, I've couldn't have said it better myself.

Libraries have more ideas than we librarians know what to with. We have ideas on Christmas decorations, how to brew your own beer, cook a diabetic, vegetarian meal and what to get Dad for Father's Day. Which for us is: a Library Card!

Library Cards offer your Dad:
Free access to endless supply of reading materials
Free Internet Access
Free Reference Help
Free DVD/VHS Rentals
Free How-To Manuals
Free Ideas on what he might want next Father's Day
And more!

Books Dad can read on his day off!

We also have all the scary reads and movies you need for tomorrow's Friday the 13th! I wanted to make a display but ran out of room and time. 

I won't be in tomorrow SAPL patrons. The girls have convinced me that being here 6 days a week isn't healthy so I'll see all of you on Saturday! Have a safe and happy Friday the 13th and Father's Day!

Yours in dangerous ideas,


Current Read: Baby Knows Best by Deborah Carlisle Solomon 
Current Mood: Excited
Current Location: On my way home for a day off!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Procrastination is the thief of time..."

"...collar him." Thanks, Charles D. When I catch him, I will certainly give him a lecture about dawdling on those papers.

Oh, SAPL patrons it is Wednesday and the midweek slump seems to have hit our small library rather hard. The sun is shining, the kids are out and our library is quiet.

Shouldn't libraries be quiet? Isn't that a good thing?

Never. Libraries have evolved and though the 1950's image of a shushing librarian still preveals, it isn't at all what most librarians want. Of course, I'm not saying we should starting running up and down the aisles or shouting out the lyrics to "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" but please, a little noise would be nice.

No, quiet libraries are boring. Quiet libraries, without the hustle and bustle of reference questions, technology complaints and children playing are procrastination mines, says the librarian looking at children's story hour photos and program idea guides. (I haven't forgotten my strong need to reinstate story hour. I'm looking at starting it up again in the fall!)

I did put off some items that needed attending...but tomorrow is just 18 hours away and it's not raining for once.

I can't update you on any news, because there isn't any new news to update.

So I will leave you with a fun picture of a shushing librarian and with the hope that tomorrow will bring in new news.

Yours in what-was-I-doing?

Oh, yeah,

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

“The man who does not read..."

"...has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” says one of my favorite authors and humorist, Mark Twain.

Of course, the Hannibal native is correct. If you don't read, then you won't get much further than the man who can't read.

It's a good thing the library is here to help! We have e-books, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and friendly librarians to help you out.

We are also still having our Summer Reading Program from June 19-July 26, 2014. Sadly, we only have three signed up so far and I would like more students to stop by and read this summer. Please call or stop by to get more info on our program. (618-965-9732)

I can't say there is a lot of excitement in library world today. I ran the desk this morning and we have had a fair amount of people coming in to ask for computer help, faxes and to browse the collection. GED classes are still underway and the last day of classes is June 19th. I will keep you posted about GED startup days in the fall.

I will start hunting for teen books next week! Please e-mail me ( or call (618-965-9732) or leave a note in the drop box, leave a note at the desk or post a comment on our facebook page if you have a title you think the library must have now. I can't read minds (though between you and me, my eldest daughter is convinced that I do.) so please let me know. This goes for adults as well. I have a new order for next month coming up and I can always use suggestions.

That's all for today SAPL peeps!

Yours in Mark Twain quotes,


Current Read: Permission to Parent by Robin Berman, M.C.

Current Mood: In dire need to consume a Dave's Brownie

Current Location: Heading toward Dave's now!

Monday, June 9, 2014

"To Read or Not to Read?"

Happy Monday, SAPL folk. Well, the answer to my question is obvious: READ! Of course with the hetic schedules we have nowadays it can be difficult, if not impossible,to get through a page, let alone a whole book. I say this as the mum of a very active five-year-old and a trying to crawl four-month-old. I rarely get to read anything outside of work beside internet articles (about why my baby doesn't like to sleep at night) and children's storybooks. Gotta love Fancy Nancy and Pete the Cat though!

Which is why I like audio books. I can read them while I work, while I do the dishes, as I'm driving to work to the babysitters and to home. When I lived five hours away and drove down for visits, audio books kept me awake and highly entertained (I imagine the other drivers were entertained to see me yelling at my CD player...what can I say, it was an upsetting plot twist).

SAPL has a small selection of audio books. I would order more, but I haven't noticed a lot of hardcore audio book readers in the area. We have a few exceptions and we often order books through interlibrary loan for these invested book lovers.

So I'm offering you, my dear patrons, this friendly reminder to check out our audiobooks. If we don't have what you want, we will do our best to get it in a timely manner.

Our small but awesome audio book section!
As another small reminder, this week we are short a couple of staff members who are on vacation. Please be patient as we work to get you the books you need.

Yours in reading,


Current Read: $20 Per Gallon: How the Rising Cost of Gasoline Will Radically Change Our Lives by Chris Steiner

Current Mood: Monday Madness

Current Location: everywhere...with coffee.

P.S. The DVD section is right next to the audio books. If you can't stand listening to someone read to you, you can always enjoy the moving pictures. : D We can order through interlibrary loan,  movies, TV series, etc. Just give us time and we'll get it to you!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Finally

And the weekend begins! I'm pleased to see our patrons stocking up on some reads. I hope to get some reading done as well (though my oldest thinks that any free time I have should be dedicated to playing Frozen with her).

In Library World today, we remember our D-Day Veterans, who 70 years ago fought on the French Normandy beaches. I didn't have time to come up with a brilliant D-Day display but that was because I got sidetracked by Illinois Veterans' History Project, started by Secretary of State Jesse White. Click on this link:, for an oral history as remembered by different veterans and on how they have served our country. It's an awesome project and one that will help keep our veterans' memories, services and sacrifices around for future generation.  For more info on the project:

I am posting another reminder that our Summer Reading Program begins in less than two weeks. I have prizes and books and a fun party planned so please, please sign up. I plan on getting my kindergartener involved so I hope to you other students coming in to pick our books and join the fun! More info can be found here: or by stopping by and chatting to us librarians.

Please note that next week two of our staff will be on vacation and so we will be short staffed. I may have a sign out saying that I'll be back in ten minutes...I'll be back in ten minutes so please be patient and bear with us this coming week. We will continue to try and provide you with quality library services and fun!

Nothing incredibly exciting is happening in the library today because the Lady Pioneers' Softball Team is advancing to the State Championship! Congrats Trico ladies!

And just because its Friday and I've done dictator/directorly things all day:

See you on Monday SAPL patrons!

Yours in happy- weekend- reading and Frozen play, 


Current Read: Remants (Seasons of Wonder) by Lisa T. Bergen

Current Mood: Excited

Current Location: the Dictator's  Director's chair.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

TBT: Bring Back Story Hour

Yes, it's Thursday, which means we have one more day and then our book-filled weekend begins! Of course in Library World, our days are always filled with books, we just never have time to read them. So you can imagine how excited we are when we get some free time to indulge our book cravings!

This rather overcast day has given me a chance to finish up some work. I still have not found a technology grant to apply for, though I will continue to search for one. I have, finally, finished a teen online book club. I started make this really complicated one and then I realized you can use Goodreads. So I went the easy route: I'm getting pumped now! I can't wait to start discussing books, offer reading suggestions and (I hope) find new books to order! Any, interested teen needs to verify their e-mail and whatnot. If you need help joining, just stop by and I'll lend you a hand.

Today is Throw Back Thursday and for us SAPL staff we go way back to when we had story hour. We've not had a Saturday story hour in a couple of years and this year we've cancelled the mid-week story/ craft hour for our Summer Reading Program.

 Children aren't showing up and without the kids, well, we end up reading stories to ourselves and making a mess out of the crafts. I miss story hour...
A story hour session from a couple of years ago. 

which is why I want to bring it back! I can't just schedule story hours and have no one show up though. So, I'm asking area patrons to help me out. Tell the staff what times and days does story hour work best for your family. Do your younger kids need something to do while the older ones go to practice? Do you have errands that are easier to do on the weekends without the kids? We can help you there. So, tell us what works and doesn't work. 

Help us bring back story hour for the kids!

Yours in books,


Current Read: Error messages

Current Mood: Cheerful

Current Location: Library World

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday Bumps

Happy Hump Day everyone! Two more days and it will be the weekend and you can read even more amazing books!

 Today in library world I've been on the lookout for technology grants. Our patron computers are nice but they need to be updated. Don't believe me? Well, I've started to notice some of my computers slacking on the job. Computer 1 always needs a second wake up call in the morning, computer 8 falls asleep on people and has to be poked awake and well, the others need a new operating system at the very least. So, I'm on a quest for a grant to help us and our computers out. No luck thus far, but I still have Thursday and Friday to search. If anyone knows of any grants I'm overlooking, please let me know. I can use all the help I can get!

I am gathering Summer Reading Program prizes. Yesterday I went out and got some great prizes for our awesome readers. Only one person has signed up this far. Two weeks and one day left before the program begins. Sign up now!

Fabulous prizes for fabulous readers!

Last, but not least, I ran across an interesting article while facebooking. It would seem that Thai protesters' used the Hunger Games salute in their protest. While the article's author didn't care for the protesters' use of the salute, I think its interesting how literature affects cultures and thought. Here's a link to the article: What do you guys think about the Thai protesters' use of the Hunger Game salute?

Yours in bumps and setbacks, 


Current Read: Random News Articles
Current Mood: Slightly groggy...Oh, coffee what would I do without thee?
Current Location: Surfing the web.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Triumphs

Good afternoon lovely SAPL patrons! Today, I've been fairly busy going through files, planning events and looking for new ways to get our library more books.

Our little library world had plenty of visitors, which always makes me happy. The computers, though running slow, had a lot of use.

Proof that people visited me today!
I know there has been patrons wanting computer classes and I promise I'm working on it. I'm not exactly the right person for the job. I can help you get on the internet and fix margins in Word, but I am looking into finding a better qualified individual. Please be patient and I will do my best to give you computer classes. 

I will be hosting some e-reader/tablet/smart phone days in the near future. I can help you with the basics and get you connected to our ebook libraries! Stop by if you can't wait for help. I am here 10-3:30-ish. If my door is closed just wait ten minutes and I'll be right with you.

In other news, Betty is working on cataloging the new teen books. I've posted a few flyers around town with the titles. I've also previously posted it here, in this blog: I will keep you up-to-date on their progress.

Currently, beside helping patrons on computers and planning for the future, I am working on our Summer Reading Program. I'm heading out to purchase a few prizes for the excellent readers this summer and some programming items. I'm getting pumped. I might do a reading log myself. What? Grownups like to color too sometimes!

Anyway, stay cool patrons. I will keep posting more about Library World tomorrow. 

Yours in crayons, 

Current Read: Grant Applications
Current Mood: EXCITED!
Current Location: Wal-Mart Bound

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Time Slumber

No, I am not taking a nap at my desk, though it does feel like it. We are dreadfully slow today. Yes, dear patrons, we have hit a summer time slow down. I know I complained about this last week, but now it's official!

While I wait for you all to come back and visit. I am planning for the fall and winter. So far, I have a definite confirmation on "Lincoln at Gettysburg" by Bob Cook for October 20, 2014 at 7 p.m. If you are a history buff, Lincoln fan or just hanging out at home that day in the not-so-distant-future, then think about stopping in for a listen and of course, I'll bring treats!

I am also getting new books for our summer readers. This came in today:

I decided to put out a few reads for to tempt you or at least entertain you during long summer trips.

And we'd love to hear what your favorite summer read is so please leave us a flip flop with your favorite author or book title!

Until tomorrow SAPL Patrons!

Yours in flip flops,


Current Read: In Between Books
Current Mood: Cheerful
Current Location: The shoe closet...I need flip flops.