Monday, September 22, 2014


Good Monday to you patrons,

This week libraries across the country are celebrating Banned Book Week (September 21-27, 2014). We aren't going to be the exception. I have a display set up with frequently banned books that you can check out!

I'm also looking to buy more scratch-and-sniff bookmarks--now how to convince the board that they are necessary for our patrons...

Keep you posted on any new news!



Current Read: Still on The Potluck Club

Current Mood: eh

Current Location: Going to post the Other World (Non-Library World a.k.a. the Real World).

Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekend READiness...

Good Friday to ya, SAPL folk!

Today has been filled with massive amounts of creating and thinking and planning in Library World.

I'm pleased to say that soon October will be upon us and our Book Sale will be underway.

Of course, before we get to October we must first finish out September, and September has a few things left for us.

Next week is Banned Book Week! During the week of September 21-17 the Library will be celebrating your right to read! I've had a display up for a while, so stop on by and check out what books have been banned by other libraries and schools.

Also, Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. is our first Friends of the Library meeting. Some of you may have received a letter in the mail but if you haven't and are interested in this informational meeting, stop by and join us for coffee and a short presentation about the Friends group.

Enjoy your weekend.



Current Read: The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepherd

Current Mood: 45 minutes

Current Location: Vacuuming office

P.S. I have been posting flyers on dying my hair's still on, SAPL crowd.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Patron Assistance Needed

Good Afternoon!

Today has been a lovely day here in Library World. GED classes our going on and we have had the Junior High come down for a visit.

I've also ordered some new fiction novels and DVDs!

Check with us next week to see if they've made it on the shelves.

I am also looking to schedule some new programs this year. I'd loved suggestions from you guys...the one's who attend the programs. If I don't hear anything from you I'm going to assume you don't want programs and I'll just go cozy up with hot chocolate at home. : D

I've been getting calls for donation dropoffs this week! We have a ton of novels headed our direction and a huge book sale coming up. Keep in mind that Saturday, October 11, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. will be our book sale. Stop by and get some reads!



Current Read: The Potluck Club  by Linda Evans Shepherd. 

Current Mood: Exhausted

Current Location: Wal-mart for contact paper or computer chair for comfort?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Hello SAPL patrons,

Sorry about not posting for the last few days. Monday was board meeting night and mini director had me busy rescuing calculators and cords and whatever else was in her line of sight.

Tuesday...well, nothing really happened Tuesday except I started working on projects and finishing projects and had a migraine.

Now it's Wednesday and I'm happy to report that we've gotten our new teen and juvenile books in. The teen books should be on the shelves and hopefully, the juvenile will be done tomorrow!

Oktoberfest is around the corner and we've gotten raffle tickets to sell and a book sale coming up! I just want to remind everyone that our tickets are a $1 each or $5 for 6.

Lastly, I know I haven't been nagging you guys about it, but I am still wanting to get the Online Book Club up and running. I'm willing to dye my hair pink if you're willing to read and post! Please join and read our four book picks for September:

Read, post and dye your library dictator's hair pink!



Current Read: The Potluck Club  by Linda Evans (I'm reading #1 so I can read #2).

Current Mood: Numerical

Current Location: Hot glue guns and old, torn up books

Friday, September 12, 2014

Coffee and Silence

My Dearest Patrons,

Sorry about yesterday--our internet went down and after a sluggish day and no hope of completing my internet-related tasks, I went home and did housework. Not very exciting.

I also can't seem to read. I have reader's block. My head is stuck in a series and until I pull myself out of it, I won't pick up anything else to read!

*le sigh* If only the series would end before January 2015. :/

On a happier note, our internet is working today and I shall have the mini director with me tomorrow! I might have the Dictator-in-training as well, but I'm thinking she's due for a fishing lesson from Daddy (our -not- so- tyrannical family member).

I've also ordered new Juvenile and Teen books for this month.

They should be out on the shelves sometime later next week!

Lastly, my hair is still brown. Please, please join the library's book club! Please, please read books and talk about them and please, please dye my hair magenta. Today, I was told I looked identical to my mother and sister, this isn't necessarily a bad thing (they're pretty good-looking), but I get tired of people asking which one I am. :P

Being the pink-haired one might be a nice distinction!



Current Read: Oh Reader's Block

Current Mood: Why is it so quiet here? Oh, right I'm in Library World.

Current Location: 30 minutes until homeward bound.   

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quick, Oktober's Coming Look Autumny!

Dear Patrons,

Sorry about not posting yesterday but I had mini director with me and, if you aren't already aware of this fact, she a bit of a handful.

Top that with being on circ by my lonesome and it's a hot mess.

We survived and the library stayed intact. Naturally, I got very little done yesterday, so today I've played catch up.

I would like to announce that we've got Oktoberfest Raffle tickets available. I meant to post about this sooner but my head hasn't been with it lately. (I keep checking to make sure it's on my far so good.)

Please purchase a ticket! I would but they won't let directors win prizes...something to do with nepotism. *shrugs*

Anyway, I know its rainy but stop by between bouts of rainfall for your rainy day read!



Current Read: Well, it's off with my head and on to Fancy Nancy Super Sleuth

Current Mood: What the heck?

Current Location: Fall

Monday, September 8, 2014

Falling into the Season

The weather is cooling off and soon the leaves will be lazily drifting towards the earth. Naturally, this means two things: 1) pumpkin spice lattes and cappuccinos are available 2) you should read more.

You can't say that yard work is the number one reason you haven't been by to see us! I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons, but why wouldn't you want the opportunity to check out FREE books and movies?

I'm still on my quest for more Book Club members so please keep my head of hair in mind as you go about your day.

Nothing new on the Library front.



Current Read: I have the Lobster Quadrille stuck in my head.

Current Mood: Slightly more deflated than Friday

Current Location: 1 more hour of Library World

Friday, September 5, 2014


Dearest patrons,

Today is Friday. Which for me means that I've got two days to read books that should've been read last weekend, that is...if my chores and children let me. There is nothing less exciting than weekend chores, expect maybe weekday chores.

Never-the-less, I shall strive to read my books and finish up the series I've been lingering over for sometime. I'm pretty sure the universe has been sending me signals all week to read these books.

It has been a strangely quiet day and without patrons our library has felt sad and lonely. I've been working to create a wonderful Banned Book Week display for you and have continued on my quest to get more members for our Online Book Club!

You sign up by liking the facebook wall...tell your friends...we get 100 likes and some book club posts about books...I dye my hair magenta for 6 months.


You could have the most awkwardly, awesome looking librarian in the county! Just read a book, click on the link, comment about said book on the wall and we're on our way.

Please read.



Current Read: Anna and I just finished a croquet game with the Queen of Hearts and Chessy almost lost his head (if that's possible). Next stop the Mocking Turtle.

Current Mood: Deflated--my hair is a rather dull brown.

Current Location: Home to the wee ones.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Flying Away

Good day SAPL patrons,

I apologize for my absence but due to many rather avoidable, yet unavoidable instances, I did not feel the need nor have the time to post a lot last week and this week.

Don't fret, you've missed nothing of import.

I have been busy working. I started a little project that I thought would be nice and perhaps fun for the library. I haven't gotten any feedback from any of you on anything. So to pass the time waiting for your response, I put my creative juices (usually reserved for programming) to decorating the children's/juveniles/teen section.

Behold my delightful, pinterest-inspired work:

The quote on the walls reads: "Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." this is supposedly based on something Plato once said. After hours of cutting and ladder climbing, I wasn't about to question the source, especially when the quote was perfect. 

I have also ordered new books--they are already on the shelves so you should really stop by to check them out! 

Oktoberfest Raffle Tickets are on sale now! $1 each or $5 for 6. The prizes include: $200 gas cards from Hucks&Casey's, Ionic Jewelry Cleaner from Wickers ($250 value), $100 gift certificate to NAPA, $100 First National Bank, $100 gift certificate Dave's Food Center, $50 gift certificate to Steeleville Healthmart Pharmacy. Stop by the library and get your tickets!

My last act for this week is to come up with a brillant Banned Book Week Display (most likely also inspired by Pinterest) and get our Author's Day set up. 

I hope to report of more charming library news tomorrow.



Current Read: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland  by Lewis Carroll (Anna and I have been reading a chapter or two a day and watched the movie.)

Current Mood: Slightly bitter and chewy.

Current Location: Not on a ladder.